ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月7日 00時02分

Photo by @babaktafreshi / Swipe to see the entire view. The longest canyon on Earth, at the Arizona-Utah border, offers dramatic scenes when you catch the right time and light. This super wide-angle view from west to east shows the yellow-red light of early twilight, just a few minutes after sunset, illuminating the canyon on the right (east), and the blue-purple color of the rising Earth shadow in the sky, right above an extinct volcano near the canyon rim. This atmospheric phenomenon happens after each sunset and before every sunrise, but often is missed by most people, not knowing what they're looking at. It's the shadow that Earth itself casts onto its atmosphere and into outer space, toward the point opposite the sun. It's prominent in a clear sky above an open horizon, especially at high altitudes. Explore more from dusk to dawn @babaktrafreshi.
#earth #grandcanyon #twilight


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