ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 12月29日 02時26分

SPIDER-HANDS WITH STAN THE MAN! In a world with a far better timeline than this one, @スタン・リー would be celebrating his 98th birthday today! I was lucky enough to call this legendary icon a friend from 1995 forward, but I was a fan first. As such, I never lost my sense of awe and appreciation for who Stan was and how his imagination had made my life better. The first pic of me and Mister Lee was shot by #carlosontal and taken on the first day I met my mentor on the set of #Mallrats - March 15, 1995. The pic beside it (taken by @allanamato) was snapped 17 years later in 2012, on the set of the @Hulu Home of Emmy-winning show SPOILERS. The third pic is from the “Stan Lee School of Cameo Acting” spot we shot for @Audi when #ageofultron was in theaters, with fellow Rats @jaymewes, me, and @マイケル・ルーカー (also pictured: @theofficiallouferrigno, @tarareid, and @jordanmonsanto, who was very pregnant with little @loganleemewes at the time). And the fourth pic was taken on Stan’s last birthday party (his 95th). To say The Man made a deep cultural impact is a gross understatement, as we’re still enjoying the copious characters and sensational stories Stan and his merry @Marvel Entertainment cohorts gave us decades ago! But I’m happy to say Stan made a deep impact on me as a human being as well. Whoever said you should never meet your heroes never met Stan Lee! #KevinSmith #stanlee #spiderhands #icon #marvel


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