ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 1月1日 01時12分

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM 1975! Four year old @ケヴィン・スミス (center) wishes YOU (as you can tell by his unmissable pointing at the camera) an incredible 2021! After an abysmal 2020, let’s not only hope for a better year - let’s all do our best to help make shit a little easier on somebody else. Kind words and encouragement cost nothing, so that’s a good place to start. Helping monetarily is a blessing if you can afford it; but it takes only time - not dimes - to vastly improve the day for some folks. I know so much has already been written and said about what a dumpster fire 2020 was, and I don’t disagree with the sentiments. To anyone who lost loved ones, jobs, health, or time this year, I’m truly sorry for your troubles and my heart goes out to you. But for a guy who almost died 3 years ago, my outlook on how good or bad life is often comes down to one simple question I ask to keep myself in check: Are You Still Alive? And as we head into the New Year, I’m happy to report that I *am* still alive - as are the people most precious to me. And if you’re reading this, it’s likely you’re alive too. So yes, it was a shit year that we can’t wait to flush; but we’re all still HERE. This year, let’s try to make the Here and Now a little easier to handle for just one other person out there. That’s the “point”. I appreciate you for checking in on me and my bullshit all year long, and I hope me and my bullshit warrant you checking in again throughout 2021! #KevinSmith #newyear #newyearseve #1975


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