スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 1月12日 22時06分

This is a ticket to the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson in 1868 from our @国立アメリカ歴史博物館's collection. There were about 800 tickets printed and massive demand in Washington, D.C., to gain access to the trial.

Johnson was the first U.S. president to be impeached. After the Civil War, he fought against Congressional efforts to push Reconstruction in a more transformational direction. Johnson supported a plan for reintegrating Confederate states back into the Union. It would give them free rein to institute Black Codes—laws that maintained white supremacy by stripping formerly enslaved African Americans of many of their freedoms.

The House of Representatives impeached Johnson for firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who oversaw the military occupation of the South and implemented Reconstruction reforms that Johnson opposed. This violated an 1867 law that prohibited the president from removing cabinet members without Senate approval.

The Senate acquitted Johnson by one vote and he was not removed from office.

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