DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 7月23日 15時20分

Well here we are. Dancing around like fools trying to get mums belly to explode. We make pillows explode all de time but mum doesn’t want dis kind of assistance apparently.
Mums belly is a couple of days off being fully baked and we are about to bring our little sister into de world. 9.5 months of Mum ordering food for two and us getting de leftovers when she couldn’t fit it in has been a joyful ride we will never forget.
We’re signing off social media now for a little while to be fully present in dis wonderful time. We wanted to fank each and every one of u dat continue to send Mummy and Daddy messages of love. We are v v lucky to have de most wonderful friends in u all. ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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