ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 6月17日 09時15分

“Sthira Sukham Asanam” - Sutra 2.46, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

This translates to, “Seated posture should be steady and comfortable,” and is one of the only Sutras regarding how to practice asana (the physical postures of yoga).

This Sutra teaches us that when the body is free of tension and strain, when the breath becomes rhythmic, and when the mind becomes peaceful, that we are practicing asana properly.

A friendly reminder not to push yourself too hard, to listen to your body, and to slow down.

📷 Photo from our friends at @yogatoday online yoga classes.

Try this prop setup with one bolster and two blocks in Upavistha Konasana (Straddle Split).

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