ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 7月22日 06時06分


• Beginnings and endings in yoga classes: Some yoga teachers like to begin and end their classes with the sound of bells. It’s a lovely way to settle students onto their mats, and to set an intention to turn awareness inward. The bells can gently bring people out of Savasana (Relaxation Pose) as well.

• Home practice: You don’t need to be in a class setting to use Tingsha Bells to bookend your practice. Use them to mark the beginning and end of your own home yoga and meditation practice.

• Sound healing: Sound is vibration. You’ve probably experienced, more than once, how a thumping bass line in music can vibrate in areas of the body other than your ears. The ability of sound to vibrate within the body is one of the reason most of us love listening to music. In the yoga system, different pitches are said to resonate with each of our chakras (energy centers). Because of their higher pitch, Tingsha Bells tend to vibrate the upper chakras. Yogic sound healing rituals combine Tingsha Bells with singing bowls of various pitches to “tune” the chakras.


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