ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月3日 02時43分

Altitude meets adrenaline when running in the Dolomites.

The Dolomites are a mountain range in northeastern Italy just south of the Austrian border with staggering limestone pinnacles, great food and an extensive web of trails. They have emerged as a top destination for trail running. For five friends, all from Washington State, the range provided a unique backdrop to a seven-day adventure.

Trail running takes its participants away from paved roads, often to the hills and mountains, and it has exploded in popularity. The Dolomites, one of the most scenic mountain ranges on earth, present a vertical challenge to runners, who must also hike and climb to cover the steep terrain. Runners tackle several of the Dolomites’ Alta Vias (“high ways”), which were traditionally hiking routes, stopping at high-mountain huts to rest. The system of huts, known as rifugios, is one of the best reasons to visit the Dolomites, offering runners and hikers a respite, as well as a cold beer, after a long day’s trek.

Tap the link in our bio to read about how the group of friends tackled the Dolomites’ trails and to learn the best ways to take on the challenge yourself. Photos by @francescoguerraphoto


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