Putri Anindyaのインスタグラム(puanindya) - 1月19日 21時20分

Confidence // not everyone are gifted with confidence. I was one of the person who overthink about how I look, how other people think about my look, how other people will accept me. ⁣⁣
I had zero self esteem. ⁣⁣
More I grew up, I try to not think too much about those stuffs. I just be myself with all my flaws. But sometimes I look myself in the mirror and it feels bad cause I don’t look as good as everyone else. ⁣⁣
In this physical world, it is very hard to accept ourselves. Probably not for you but for me it’s so problematic. It’s good now there are so many movement about the concept of beauty standards and we have to love ourselves. ⁣⁣
They said how could you love someone else if you don’t love yourself first? It is very true but for me it took such a long process to be able to love myself. ⁣⁣
And i’m still in this process. ⁣⁣
These are things I do to make myself feel better. Like, making photos that I love. Or help other people to make them happy! ⁣⁣
Also, asking someone to take pretty portrait of yourself lol. A little narcissistic way yet call herself not confident enough. Okay you got me, you can laugh at me. ⁣⁣
But sincerely that moment I was so happy with my new fossil bag that I got from @urbaniconstore so I asked @marc_nouss and @capra311 to take pictures of me in Paris. ⁣⁣
Their portraits helped me to think that I look normal and should be more thankful about myself (and should do some sports lol). ⁣⁣
I posted here to share to you about this dilemma and my new fav bag that I use as my camera bag and probably low key wanting a validation from strangers which is very unhealthy. ⁣⁣
Anyone have this kind of thoughts about yourself? What do you do to help yourself?


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