ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 1月5日 03時48分

Slow Fast. (TRIGGER WARNING: This is a post about FASTING. Please avoid if you struggle with eating disorders.) I ended my longest fast this morning: 152 hours over the course of 7 days. I feel good and experienced no hunger and no lethargy. Helped that I was buried in writing the new version of #clerks3 for multiple hours a day, which was a welcome distraction from all the entertainment eating I was doing during the holiday, eating (and then overeating) because it’s pleasurable. Before I knew it, 152 hours rolled by because I was lost in Leonardo, NJ, at @quickstopgroceries (in the script, not IRL). I broke my fast with my favorite hummus from @cruzerveganpizza. And while I loved eating it while binging @cobrakaiseries 3, I wasn’t so much hungry as I just felt like it was time to eat. Last time I wrote about my fasting, some folks equated it with an eating disorder - so I apologize if anyone is triggered by this post. You are beautiful the way you are and you don’t need to change at all. But for me, fasting is about self discipline. I showed zero control over my eating during Christmas and at one point, I gorged on 6 bagels in an hour while watching #thesopranos. When I fast, it allows me to divorce myself from an unhealthy habit of comfort eating for a brief time, so that I can put the food I eat into perspective instead of just stuffing it all into my fat cells (as I did for 47 years until my heart attack prompted me to change my ways). Again, I am not trying to promote fasting or suggesting you try it out either; I’m just sharing my journey and what I enjoy about the process; a process I’ve found to be beneficial for me, my mind and my body. #KevinSmith #fasting #zeroapp


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