豊田章男のインスタグラム(akiotoyoda_official) - 3月4日 19時05分







Today, I attended a ceremony honoring Juichi Nakamura and Kiichiro Toyoda at Toyota City Hall.
As mayor of the former Koromo City (Currently Toyota City), Juichi Nakamura was committed to creating a place where people would be able to find hope through car-making.
Toyota founder Kiichiro Toyoda took on the challenge of establishing an auto industry in Japan.
As in past years, I once again expressed my gratitude for their achievements, which continue to resonate today. 

The ceremony was also attended by members of the Boys & Girls Invention Club Toyota.
To these young people who will shape our future, I shared this message:
“Creating something new means racking your brains, toiling, losing yourself in the process. These moments are the ultimate pleasure. There is no greater joy or excitement than seeing someone enjoying or benefiting from a product that you worked hard to make. That’s what drives me to keep learning and striving to create something even better.”
These were the words of my father, Shoichiro, who passed away on the 14th of February.
“Making things means making people”
My father poured his heart and soul into nurturing the next generation. He established this club, and devoted himself to spreading its activities around the country.
I am sure that, more than anyone else, he is delighted by the accomplishments of these young boys and girls.



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