중국 광저우에서 열린 오픈컵을 마지막으로 저의 올시즌이 마침내 마무리되었습니다. ☺ 크란월드컵이 끝나고 한국에 온지 하루만에 다시 출국을 해야하는 상황이어서 체력적으로 시차적응도 부담이 되었지만, 광저우 첫째날이후 빨리 회복할수있었고, 리드 결승전에서는 3초를 남기고 쫄깃한 완등을 하였지만 준결승전에서 마지막 홀드를 잡지못해 카운트백으로 3위에 입상했습니다.☺ 그리고 마지막날 볼더링에서 결승에 진출하는게 목표여서, 입상을 할꺼라고는 전혀 예상못했는데 운이 좋게 입상까지하게되었네요 ? 시즌 마지막대회를 좋은 등반과 결과로 마무리지어서 행복합니다. 마지막 대회까지 뛰고나니 최근몇년 최저몸무게가 되어버렸네요 ?? 이제 잠깐의 휴식과 살찌게될시간 ?? 응원해주신분들 모두 감사합니다! ?❤? - - By finishing the China open-cup, I finally have completed my competition season! I decided to join this comp because I wanted to climb more awesome competition routes without any pressure. Even though I was tired from the jet lag after the last worldcup in Kranj, I could recovery fast on the first day in Guangzhou ? There were semi-final and final for Lead on Saturday and I'm satisfied with my result as I got to the top in final with just 3 seconds left on the clock! ? And on the last day, Sunday, my goal was to get to the final in Bouldering and I made it! At the final, I wanted to do my best for the last competition this year. Nonetheless, I never expected that I could stand on the podium in bouldering, and yet I made it too! I was so lucky and felt awesome!! ?❤ So I think they were really cool rewards for me. I got 2 bronze medals and big prize money as well! ??? Also I am really happy that @chonjongwon96 stood on the podium as well for the man’s competition. He got the 1st place with an amazing final performance! ? After the many comps, I had lost so much weight and it's time to rest and get fat ?? - - #스파이더 #spyderlimitless #redbull #givesyouwings #thejas #discoveryclimbinghold

allezjainさん(@allezjain)が投稿した動画 -

キム・ジャインのインスタグラム(allezjain) - 11月21日 17時57分

중국 광저우에서 열린 오픈컵을 마지막으로 저의 올시즌이 마침내 마무리되었습니다. ☺
크란월드컵이 끝나고 한국에 온지 하루만에 다시 출국을 해야하는 상황이어서 체력적으로 시차적응도 부담이 되었지만, 광저우 첫째날이후 빨리 회복할수있었고, 리드 결승전에서는 3초를 남기고 쫄깃한 완등을 하였지만 준결승전에서 마지막 홀드를 잡지못해 카운트백으로 3위에 입상했습니다.☺ 그리고 마지막날 볼더링에서 결승에 진출하는게 목표여서, 입상을 할꺼라고는 전혀 예상못했는데 운이 좋게 입상까지하게되었네요 ?
시즌 마지막대회를 좋은 등반과 결과로 마무리지어서 행복합니다.
마지막 대회까지 뛰고나니 최근몇년 최저몸무게가 되어버렸네요 ?? 이제 잠깐의 휴식과 살찌게될시간 ??
응원해주신분들 모두 감사합니다! ?❤?
By finishing the China open-cup, I finally have completed my competition season!
I decided to join this comp because I wanted to climb more awesome competition routes without any pressure. Even though I was tired from the jet lag after the last worldcup in Kranj, I could recovery fast on the first day in Guangzhou ?
There were semi-final and final for Lead on Saturday and I'm satisfied with my result as I got to the top in final with just 3 seconds left on the clock! ?
And on the last day, Sunday, my goal was to get to the final in Bouldering and I made it! At the final, I wanted to do my best for the last competition this year. Nonetheless, I never expected that I could stand on the podium in bouldering, and yet I made it too! I was so lucky and felt awesome!! ?❤ So I think they were really cool rewards for me. I got 2 bronze medals and big prize money as well! ???
Also I am really happy that @チョン・ジョンウォン stood on the podium as well for the man’s competition. He got the 1st place with an amazing final performance! ?
After the many comps, I had lost so much weight and it's time to rest and get fat ?? -

#스파이더 #spyderlimitless
#redbull #givesyouwings #thejas #discoveryclimbinghold


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



