Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 5月31日 06時24分

Exercises to do after a Caesarian... 💪❤️

So I should add straight away that I'm not trained to give exercise advice nor is my form good.

But after going to see my pelvic health physio @martadowner, we were saying how awful Postnatal care is in the UK.

How unlike other countries, there's no birth rehabilitation unless you can pay for it or you push because you have issues.

Yet we live in a *bounce back* obsessed culture. One that puts pressure on us to look like we've not had a baby as quickly as possible.

But here's the thing: you can't rush recovery. And actually doing too much too soon as lead to long-term damage - like the time I went for a run 6 weeks post Alfie before I was diagnosed with a prolapse after going to see Marta because I had fecal incontinence.

Sooooo, personally, bouncing back or weight loss doesn't bother me. I know I'm not happier as the smallest version of myself.

But feeling like my body is functioning, wanting to be healthy, and wanting to be strong ARE important to me.

I'd love to get to a point I can run and box and do pilates because they're the things I enjoy and that are good for me mentally.

So these are the 4 exercises Marta has me doing every day to build my strength up and stretch my muscles so I can get back to those things.

Recovery takes time and starts slow. She gave just these simple ones so I can do them easily with Ada and so I stick to them.

I do 4 sets of 20 once a day. I honestly made that number up because I forgot how many I'm meant to do.

You can see how challenging just these smalls exercises are.

I didn't want to gatekeep so I'm sharing these for anyone to use themselves. With Marta's permission of course!

But if you can, I so recommend you visit a pelvic health physio even just once post birth so they can assess you and give you exercises.

I'll also share the exercises I'm doing on my scar and the things I'm putting on it. I just need to film them.

Anyway, I so hope this is useful! Slow and steady wins the race. As cliche as it is, remember it takes 9 months to grow a baby and it can take even longer to recover. 🙏❤️


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