Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 9月26日 04時27分

The Postnatal body. How do you feel about it? Do you let society convince you to hate it. Did you hear people flippantly comment on how having children ruins your body? Head stories and chatter of men unhappy because their wives were lazy and 'let themselves go" after having children? (Probably also the same men who don't help out with parenting and don't offer her time for herself). Read articles that praise celebrities for bouncing back mere weeks after giving birth? Do you feel pressure to 'get your old body back' even though when you think back to pre-pregnancy times, you probably didn't love your body that much then?

See I feel like it's just so easy to be convinced to dislike your body whether you have children or not. Think how awful our body image is in general. The diet industry desperate to convince us if we just lost some weight we'd be happier, more confident, and more loveable. We're always been forced to be insecure about something incredibly normal like stretch marks or cellulite - all so companies can provide us with the magic solution and make money from us.

So the postnatal person is the perfect person to take advantage of right? She's vulnerable. She's recovering. Her body has changed. Yet rather than remind her that recovery is a slow process. They capitalise off her insecurities.

I like my Postnatal body. It doesn't look like it did before but I don't care. I have more respect for it now. I'm so amazed by what it's done - and is still continuing to do. Sure I want to get the balance better, and I want to eventually have exercise back as a regular part of my routine. But once I have a bit more time for myself. Once I've been signed off to do it healthily. Not to punish my body because society says I should hate it. Not to lose weight. But because I want it to be strong and healthy and I want to show it love.

But in the brief moments where I let society make me feel bad in myself. For having a Postnatal body, I like to remind myself why I have one. Because I have a baby. And a toddler.

And when we look back at life we remember memories, not how our bodies looked.

And I could have memories of Alf and Ada, without my Postnatal body. ❤️


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