アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 1月21日 15時20分

Shine bright and bold, like the dogbane leaf beetle (Chrysochus auratus)! This iridescent insect has a wide range across North America and can be spotted in parts of the eastern United States, areas along the Rocky Mountains, and southern Canada. Dogbane plants of the family Apocynaceae—some of which have toxic compounds called cardenolides—are this beetle’s favored food, hence its common name. Not only is it able to consume and ingest the poisonous plant material, but it also repurposes the toxins for its own self-defense: if threatened, it can secrete a smelly chemical cocktail to deter foes from approaching!
Photo: Richard Crook, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, flickr


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